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Jimmy Boy Model

Writer's picture: dientemnettsanrastdientemnettsanrast

jimpickup.ASE is the original Jimmy Neutron model seen in early screenshots, dated Mon Dec 11 12:07:58 2000. He was most likely changed due to being too off-model. It has 792 tris, while the final has 814 tris.

The idea for a series about a boy with super-genius powers was first conceived in the 1980s by John A. Davis, who scripted and storyboarded a short narrative titled Runaway Rocketboy, centering around a character named Johnny Quasar (inspired by a facetious nickname that his summer co-workers had coined for him in his youth)[3] who builds a rocket ship and runs away from his parents.[4] Davis stated in an episode of the Nickelodeon Animation Podcast that he initially wrote the concept with the intention of creating it as a live-action film with special effects and matte shots, even going so far as to apply for a grant to fund the project, but found that getting such an investment was difficult since the film was not educational or informative.[3] The idea laid dormant for several years until Davis came across the abandoned script while in the process of moving.[3] Around the same time, Davis' Dallas-based studio, DNA Productions, had just begun experimenting with the use of computer animation after obtaining copies of LightWave 3D. In turn, Davis realized that the film would be fitting as a CGI film, since all of the science fiction set pieces could be entirely modeled in 3-D.[3]

Jimmy Boy Model

After the pilot was completed, Nickelodeon executives, who were impressed by the pilot and still enthusiastic about the show's potential, raised the prospect of creating a theatrical film to accompany the TV series, much to the surprise of Davis and his team at the studio. During the initial pitch to Nickelodeon, Oedekerk had highlighted the idea that using computer animation would allow the same models and assets to be reused between both a film and a TV show, an idea which Nick held strong faith in.[4] Davis further suggested that the feature film be created first, since the characters being modeled could be created at a higher quality than they would have with a TV budget. Although Nick was worried that it would be more difficult to attract a movie-going audience without the TV show to build an install base for the series, these concerns were answered with a series of short TV interstitials which would begin airing in order to build up hype for the upcoming film.[4][6]

Jimmy Neutron was the first computer animated film to be created entirely using commercial animation programs rather than proprietary software, with most animation done using both Lightwave and project:messiah.[4] Characters were first modeled in Lightwave, after which they were rigged and animated in Messiah. Texture painting was done via Adobe Photoshop, while compositing work was completed in Maya Fusion.[5] In addition to serving as executive producer, Alcorn was the film's lead character designer, and created actively simplistic and cartoonish designs in order to avoid overcomplicating production. To animate crowd scenes, methods of simplification were used to make animation less time-consuming: characters that were farther from the camera had less articulation, and animators would duplicate the same characters, offset them to different areas, and change their body parts to differentiate them. One particular scene shows a crowd of 6000 Yolkians, each of which uses one of 30 distinct animation loops.[5]

According to Davis, the character models were intentionally given a "sculpted, graphic look," both to avoid making them look overly realistic and to circumvent the prospect of having to deal with simulating cloth or hair.[5] The over-the-top character designs, in turn, influenced the film world's aesthetic (e.g. cars were modeled to be able to fit the characters' stylistically large heads).[5] Off-the-shelf shaders were favored over ones which created more photorealistic lighting in order to maintain a cartoonish appearance throughout.[5]

In November 2000, the world was introduced to Jimmy in a trailer, featuring clips from the interstitials, which played before Rugrats in Paris. Then on February 5, 2001, the first interstitial, "New Dog, Old Tricks" aired on Nickelodeon. To build the buzz even more, the interstitials lead viewers to, for Shockwave games, and Nickelodeon Magazine, for an ongoing comic strip. Kids responded so well that streams of the Jimmy Neutron trailer ranked #2 on The announcement of the Jimmy Neutron feature rolled out during the 14th Annual Kid's Choice Awards, where Jimmy served as a presenter. This appearance introduced the character to 4.3 million kids 2-11, 1.9 million teens 12-17 and 4.4 million adults.

Lewis has dark brown hair and wears big black glasses. He wears a beige and yellow short-sleeved shirt, dark blue pants and red boots. When he was singing he wore a red and white plaid shirt, a green vest with yellow stripes, blue pants with light stripes and wore a brown boot on his left foot and a white shoe on his right foot. His eyes are modeled in a similar way to Carl's and many other characters who wear glasses.

(A spider up close walks while horror music plays. We see Jimmy looking through a magnify glass with Sheen.)Jimmy: Can you turn the music off Sheen.Sheen: Sorry! (walks to the radio and turns the music off)Jimmy: Notice the Miscellana octoria's distinctive tibial spurs and scierotized pedipalps.Sheen: Fascinating! Can you make it do the hokey-pokey?Jimmy: Sheen. Go home.Carl: Guys, guys! I got a girlfriend!Sheen: Ah! (passes out)Jimmy: Who is she?Carl: Well, she's my pen pal from Sweden and she's coming to Retroville and her name is Elke Ekberg.Sheen (waking up): That was weird. I thought I heard Carl say he had a girlfriend.'Carl: I do! Here's her picture. (shows Elke's picture)Sheen: Ah! (this time in a high voice and passes out again).Carl: She's a teen model, tennis star, gymnast, masseuse and ballet dancer.Jimmy: Don't take this the wrong way Carl but your kind of a nerd. What does she see in you? (While he says it, Sheen catches up.Carl: Well I sent her some pictures. (shows Jimmy and Sheen the pictures: Carl mixing a potions for a pill to make his family new, Carl in a rocket ship with Goddard who is sucking the rare ice crystals, and Carl as MacBeth fighting Bolbi as Rangun the Space Pirate in MacBeth in Space.)Sheen: Man! Where was I when you did all this stuff?Jimmy: Carl! These are all pictures of me.Sheen: Ah! (passes out again).Carl: Yeah, I didn't think she'd like a hefty boy with glasses who's into llamas and sleeps with a blanky and has unsightly spots all over his...Sheen (interrupts Carl by shaking his head): Too much information.

Carl: So I told her I was a boy genius and I invented cool stuff had a neat lab.Jimmy: So you said you were me?Carl: Huh? Oh yeah, kind of. Anyway, Elke has one-day stopover in Retroville on her way to a tennis tournament and I'm afraid when she sees me, she'll find out I've been lying to her.Jimmy: Because you have!Carl: Huh? Oh, yeah, kind of. And she won't like me anymore.Jimmy: And by you, you mean me!Carl: Huh? Oh, yeah, kind ofJimmy: If you're looking for help, count me out!Sheen: Come on, Jimmy, just let Carl pretend to be you. He could show her some, inventions, fly her in the hover car, and she'll never know the difference.Jimmy: No way! I'm not letting Carl touch my stuff.Carl: Oh please Jimmy. This maybe my only chance to impress tennis-playing, teen-modeling, ballet-dancing, gymnastics masseuse.Sheen: Yeah, come on, Jimmy.(Jimmy looks at his friends and thinks.)Jimmy: Okay, for one day only you can be Carl Wheezer, Boy Genius.Carl: Yay, thanks, Jim! You're the best friend in the whole world. Oh, by the way, I told her you're my dimwitted assistant.Jimmy: What?!Carl: And then I said you were an experiment that went horribly wrong.Sheen: Sweet!

In an age when celebrities routinely make the news for their bad behavior, it is refreshing to find examples of decency and virtue. These rare shining lights in the entertainment industry are heroes to many young fans who are thirsty for good healthy role models. In an earlier blog, we described the uncommon integrity of actress and producer Tina Fey. Perhaps not coincidentally, we now turn our attention to one of Fey's former sidekicks on television, Jimmy Fallon.

As befitting a hero, Jimmy Fallon has devoted his time and money to many worthwhile charitable causes, including the Food Bank for New York City, Stand Up To Cancer, AIDS research, Robin Hood's anti-poverty programs. To millions of people, Fallon sets a great example for how to treat people, conduct oneself, and handle success. Our daughter, who once adored him as a young teen, is very grateful to have had Jimmy Fallon as a role model during her impressionable years. She's still a big fan, and so are we.

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